Illustration of markers taped to Dash creating arcs and surrounded by action blocks

Draw with Dash

Dash & Dot Blockly Coding Experience Direction Based


In this activity, learners try different aspects of Dash through play and exploration.

Watch the activity video: Video Link


  • Place a large sheet of paper on a hard and flat surface and tape its edges.
  • Tape a marker on each side of Dash. Make sure the marker tips can touch the paper.
  • Turn on Dash.
  • Connect to Dash.
  • Build your program in to make Dash move on the paper and draw different shapes.


  • If you are doing this activity on a tabletop or an elevated surface, block the edges to prevent robots from falling.
  • Try different colors and marker tips to get different effects.

Skill Development

  • Collaboration
  • Creative thinking
  • Observational
  • Planning
  • Spatial

Level Up

Complete this activity again with a planned shape or pattern.